
In order to take part in the competition and receive a 10% discount on competition crystals and other materials, first you need to fill out the form and send the application for participation here before 08/01/2020, indicating your name, contact details and nomination(s) in which your work(s) will be competing.

  1. The entry design must correspond to the declared theme NEW EDGES OF SHINING in one of the specified nominations. The maximum number of works from one participant in all nominations is 2
  2. The same author can only submit 2 works to the competition. However, the same author cannot receive several prizes at once in one nomination!
  3. Only copyrighted works which have not been previously published and were created specifically for the competition are admitted. The master can only publish his competitive work on his resources after the publication of all competition works with the names of the authors on our website in this section.
  4. Competition work can be executed in any technique.
  5. The competition is held in the following nominations:
    1. «Jewelry design. Necklace»
      1. (necklace - neck jewelry)
    2. «Jewelry design. Earrings»>
      1. (earrings, clips, cuffs, mono earrings, etc.)
    3. «Accessory Design»
      1. (bracelets, brooches, hairpins, headbands, combs, tiaras, belts, footwear, etc.)
    4. «Handbag Design»
      1. (handbags of various sizes, clutches, waist bags, briefcases, etc.)
    5. «Design of Leotards for Rhythmic Gymnastics »
      1. (leotards for rhythmic gymnastics, decorated with crystals and rhinestones of Austrian production)
    6. «Performance Sportswear Design»
      1. (all other costumes for performing: synchronized swimming, figure skating, ballroom dancing, etc., decorated with crystals and rhinestones of Austrian production)
    7. Design of Accessories for Sports
      1. (tiaras, hairpins, bracelets, brooches, rims, combs, belts, shoes, etc., decorated with crystals and rhinestones of Austrian production)
    8. «Breakthrough of the Year. Necklace Design»
      1. Only applies to the Necklace Design category

        This nomination is for beginners – the masters who have not previously participated in the SW-STRAZY competition and do not have much experience in needlework, yet still want to try their hand at the competition.

        If a master takes part in the Breakthrough of the Year. Necklace Design, then his work is only considered within the framework of this nomination, and does not participate in the main nomination Jewelry Design. Necklace (p. 5.1.), that is, beginners compete with beginners, and more experienced masters compete with each other in the main categories)
    9. «Breakthrough of the Year. Design of Leotards for Rhythmic Gymnastics »
      1. Only applies to the nomination Design of Leotards for Rhythmic Gymnastics, decorated with crystals and rhinestones of Austrian production

        This nomination is for beginners – masters who have not previously participated in the SW-STRAZY competition and do not have lots of experience in creating costumes, but want to try their hand at the competition.

        If a master takes part in the Breakthrough of the Year. Design of Leotards for Rhythmic Gymnastics, then their work is considered only within the framework of this nomination, and does not participate in the main nomination Design of Leotards for Rhythmic Gymnastics (p. 5.5.), That is, beginners compete with beginners, and more experienced masters compete among themselves in the main nominations)
    10. «Audience Choice»
      1. «Audience Choice. Jewelry and Accessories»

        ALL works submitted for the contest within the framework of jewelry, accessories and handbags nominations participate in this nomination as well.

        The winner of this nomination will be determined by an anonymous electronic vote.
      2. «Audience Choice. Sport»

        ALL works submitted for the contest within the framework of sports nominations participate in this nomination as well.

        The winner of this nomination will be determined by an anonymous electronic vote.
    11. The Anniversary Nomination from a special member of the Swarovski jury
      1. The international Swarovski representative will choose 2 winners: the first one among the finalists of jewelry, accessories, handbags sections, the second one among the finalists of all sports nominations
    12. Special nomination from Dina Averina and Arina Averina
      1. World and European champions Arina and Dina Averina will choose one favorite among the finalists of the nomination Design of Leotards for Rhythmic Gymnastics
    13. Special Nomination from designer Elena Kostrikina
      1. Elena will choose one favorite among all the entries in the nominations Jewelry Design. Necklace, Jewelry Design. Earrings, Accessory Design
    14. Opening of the Fair of Masters – Livemaster Nomination
      1. (The representative of the Fair of Masters will choose one winner among the nominations Jewelry Design. Necklace, Jewelry Design. Earrings, Accessories Design, Handbag Design)
  6. Mandatory conditions for participation in the competition:
    1. Competition crystals (go to the section Crystals for the competition) must prevail in the work and be central elements.
      1. The use of a large number of crystals is not a guarantee of getting to the final or victory.

        The main condition is to present the competition crystals from the new collection Time for Radiance in the best and most interesting way, they should be in the center of attention and catch the eye.
    2. Competition crystals are not divided into nominations
      1. The presented list can be used in all categories.

        Namely, for example, flat backs can be involved not only in sports nominations, but also in jewelry, accessories, handbags. And vice versa, beads, pendants, jewelry crystals can be involved in sports nominations - in swimsuits, leotards for performances, sports accessories.
    3. You can add Swarovski crystals from past collections to the competition entry, as well as other materials. They should diversify the work, but not be the center elements, since the main emphasis must be placed on competitive crystals. Please note that only crystals and flat backs of Austrian production can be used in the work.
    4. Requirements for the size of photographs of works:
      1. The size of the photos is at least 1024x1024 pixels, the shape of the photo is SQUARE, a larger photo size is encouraged (1600x1600, 2000x2000, etc.)
      2. Photos should not have inscriptions, logos, etc.
      3. The number of photos submitted for one work is at least 4 (four) pieces, it is necessary to indicate which of the presented photos is the main one - for posting on our website.
      4. The photos should be taken on a plain background - white or black.
      5. The image should be sharp.
      6. Edited images are welcome.
    5. Photos must be submitted to the email address with the letter subject NEW EDGES OF SHINING until September 9, 2020. When submitting a work for the competition, it is necessary to indicate the nomination in which the work is registered, the name of the work, to provide a brief description (150-200 words) and a list of materials used (name, quantity), as well as indicate the author's name and surname, contact phone number, Instagram account (if any).
    6. After sending the application to the mail, you will receive a confirmation about the work having been accepted for the contest within a few days. First, the works will be published on the site anonymously - without the names of the authors for an unbiased jury vote and in order to determine the winner in Audience Choice nomination, which will be held among all contestants in electronic form on the site
    7. As long as the works are anonymous on the site, authors are not allowed to publish their products anywhere. Only after the opening of the competition gallery on the site with the names of the authors, it will be possible to show the works on any resources.
    8. It is allowed to publish small fragments of works, but only those by which it will not be possible to identify the author when an anonymous competition gallery opens. Contest tag - #sw_konkurs2020
    9. The participant age at the time of application for participation must be 18 years old.
  7. The jury evaluates the work according to the following criteria:
    1. Compliance with the competition theme.
    2. Compliance with the competition regulations.
    3. Creativity.
    4. Performance quality
  8. If the number of entries in any nomination is less than 20 pieces, the organizers reserve the right to choose only three finalists and one winner.
  9. Holding the final remains an open question. We really hope that our celebartion will take place! If circumstances do not allow us all to gather, then the final will be held online